1. Add MetaMask wallet to your browser

IMPORTANT: Write down your 12 word recovery phrase, it’s the only way you can recover your
wallet. Best practice is to have it stored at several different places (file, paper, etc.)

  1. Go to Polygonscan and click “Add Polygon
    network” button at the bottom of the site to add Polygon Mainnet to MetaMask wallet

  1.  Add PTRN token to MetaMask extension:

 –  Click on “ADD PTRN TO METAMASK” button.

On MetaMask popup click the “Add token” button. 

PTRN token is now visible in your assets. The token can be added as many times as needed (for example: on MetaMask reinstall). This is off-chain operation and only visualizes the token in the MetaMask extension.

  1. Go to PATHEARN Dashboard on Kingo

– connect your MetaMask wallet by pressing the Connect button

– copy your PTRN key from your profile page on PATHEARN Platform

– Login or register:

– After successful login go to profile:

– Select Show PTRN Key:

– Enter your pasword when asked and then copy your key:

– paste it in the “Enter your PTRN Key” field and press “Check balance” button

  1. It’s all done now and you can withdraw your balance.